Things you should know

You should be aware that in the UK it is against the law to leave your child(ren) at home without an adult to take care of them. If you are caught doing this your children could be taken away from you and you could be prosecuted. It is advised that you do not leave your children with a stranger or unattended when in public places. It is against the law to beat, use excess force or any
objects or weapons to discipline your child. All the professionals that come into contact with you have a legal responsibility to report any wrong doing to children to the relevant organisations. This will include people like teachers, support workers and doctors.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a fundamental human rights issue with adverse health and social implications. It violates the rights of girls The risk of female genital mutilation is recognised as legitimate grounds for refugee and asylum status. FGM is not practiced in most of the world. FGM is subject to Child Protection Laws in the UK. The Child Protection Act is legislation that is put into place to protect children from harm. Female circumcision is illegal in the UK. It is also an offense to make arrangements for it to take place while you are living in the UK or outside of it. You can be imprisoned for up to 14 years.

In the UK you have to be 16 years of age to have any kind of sexual relationship. It is against the law to force anyone to have sex with you. Kissing or touching anyone against their will is an offense, even if you are married to the person. Being taken to court for this offense could result in imprisonment.

There is a lot of recreation and leisure activities in Birmingham and Solihull. Some of them are free and some you will have to pay for. Your Case Owner will give you as much help as you need to get started. Birmingham and Solihull have:- Parks, Sports and Recreation, Sports Centres, Swimming Pools, Libraries, Art Galleries, Museums, Cinemas, Ten Pin Bowling, Theatres, Play Areas, Adventure Playgrounds, Community Centres, Youth Facilities and Shopping Centres
For more information about the above you can visit the

Library Services for Asylum Seekers
If you are learning English please let them know. You will be able to request particular items from the library stock for free. If you do not have any proof of a permanent address, you will be able to borrow 2 books. The library card will e posted to where you are living. This library card is valid for 3 months. hen you have a permanent address you will be able to have a library card to borrow up to 8 books.

Free Internet access - you will be able to access most Internet sites and use email

·         Materials to help you learn English

·         A list of newspaper websites

·         An address list for Refugee organisations

·         Staff trained in awareness and customer care. They are confident when speaking to people from new communities

·         Information and useful addresses

·         Materials to help you learn and study

Staff can use the Language Line to help you. This is a telephone interpretation service

Some Libraries have:

·         Dictionaries for loan

·         Dictionaries to look at in the library

·         Collections, which reflect the history and culture of Refugee communities

·         Community Rooms available to book

·         Adult Education and English classes

·         Learning Centres

The Libraries offer a wide range of books, tapes and videos that can be loaned. There is no charge for joining the library but they will charge fines for the late return of borrowed items. Most libraries can be easily accessed by people with disabilities and children in pushchairs.

For leisure activities call or visit the websites of the following:
Birmingham Central Library
Chamberlain Square
B3 3HQ
Tel: (0121) 303 4511
Fax: (0121) 233 4458
Textphone: (0121) 303 4547

Sound It Out Community Music
The Arch, Unit F9
48 - 52 Floodgate Street,
Birmingham B5 5SL
Tel.: 0121 772 8655
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Contracts Delivered

“Recent research in the city has revealed that new communities face a range of obstacles to their successful integration in the city including resentment of local people, high levels of homelessness, extreme levels of unemployment (60%) and underemployment, difficulties accessing education, poor quality ESOL provision and difficulties accessing appropriate healthcare” (Phillimore & Goodson et al. 2003; 2005).

Afro-British Support Services “IMPACT” was established on the 8th November 2004. Since that time we were providing information, advice and guidance to refugees, asylum seekers and the new communities in Birmingham. Our employees and volunteers speak between themselves Somali, Swahili, Tigrinya (Eritrea), Amharic (Ethiopia), Arabic, French, Afghani and local Central and West African languages.

Through the years we were supporting and assisting our clients to overcome issues and barriers they have in:
·         Housing
·         Health
·         Education
·         Employment
·         Debt
·         Immigration
·         benefits

 Through these years we were supported and funded by:
·         Birmingham City Council
·         Her Majesty Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
·         Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
·         Business Link
·         Advantage West Midlands
·         bRAP
·         Lottery Fund (Awards for All)
·         Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC)
·         Nextstep
·         The Best Network
·         Funding and Skills Council (NLDC)
·         Jobcentre Plus
·         Enterprising Communities
·         Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
·         Digbeth Trust
·         Birmingham and Black Country Community Foundation

 Here are projects we delivered with excellent outcomes and impact on our target group:
 ·         In March 2005 our organisation secured a voluntary Service Level Agreement with Sparkhill Jobcentre Plus to provide employment support to refugees registered at their centre. We provided this service at the Jobcentre. Till today we have working relationships in referral and support to several Jobcentre Pluses. Contract amount: Voluntary
·         We delivered Information, Advice and Guidance project for Asylum seekers funded by LSC. We subcontracted from ASPIRE. We also designed and printed a welcome pack for refugees and asylum seekers in partnership with Sutton Coldfield College. Contract period was from 01/01/06 to 31/03/07. Contract Amount: £ 36,695.92
·         We delivered Information, Advice and Guidance project funded by Learning and Skills Council (LSC). We subcontracted this project from Nexstep. Contract period was from July 2006 to July 2008. Contract amount was £78,919.61
·         We delivered information, Advice and Guidance project for Birmingham City Council by the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. Contract period was from April 2007 to September 2009. Contract amount was £ 54,380.65
·         We delivered employment and training project for Birmingham City Council by the Transitional Fund of the Working Neighbourhood Fund. Contract period was from October 2008 to June 2009. Contract amount: £ 12,121.17
·         We delivered Self employment support project for Business Link. Contract period was from April 2008 to March 2009. Contract Amount: 27,530.50
·         We were a member or REALiZE cluster and delivered employment and training development support. Contract amount was £ 33,753.89
·         We delivered Refugee Community Organisations (RCOs) Capacity Building project for Advantage West Midlands, subcontracting from b:RAP. Contract period was from April 2007 to March 2009. Contract Amount was £ 32,000.00
·         We Delivered Information, Advice and Guidance project for HM Revenue & Customs. Contract period was from April 2009 to March 2011. Contract amount was £ 46,228.00
·         In 2009 – 2010 we delivered for the Skills Funding Agency a Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) project through The BEST network. Contract amount was £ 9,800.00
·         In 2009 – 2010 we delivered four Working Neighborhood Fund contracts for Birmingham City Council. Two of these contracts they delivered in partnerships with Jericho Foundation and Wardlow Centre of Birmingham City Council. The total value of the four contracts was £ 104,620.00



©2016 Afro-British Support Services