
Our organisation "IMPACT" provides information, advice and guidance to our clients on their housing issues. Here are some of the areas that we can help you about:
 Rent and Rent Arrears
 Housing benefits
 Council tax Benefits
 Applying for social housing
 Filling housing application form
 Renting from a private landlord
 Living in Houses for multiple occupation (HMOs)
 Tenant roles and responsibilities
 Landlord responsibilities
 Ending a tenancy
 Landlord harassment
 Anti Social Behavior
 Landlord charges, rights and responsibilities
 Repairs to rented property
 Housing Bills

 For more information about housing please read the following.

Asylum seekers unable to find accommodation may be eligible for accommodation support from the UK Border Agency. For initial and dispersal accommodations please contact the Solihull Asylum Support Section.

Emergency accommodation is a temporary arrangement for asylum seekers who would otherwise be having nowhere to sleep and live. An asylum seeker looking for support may apply for emergency accommodation. Asylum seekers are dispersed to accommodation which is given on a no choice basis, by coach. The majority of accommodation is self catering. Usually the accommodation provided is a shared accommodation. An asylum seeker has to leave the provided accommodation in both cases of positive or negative decision about their application.

If you get a positive decision, you have to move on from your dispersal accommodation within 28 days. You can ask your accommodation provider for an extension to stay at the property up to a maximum of three months. You can also ask your accommodation provider to convert the tenancy of the property to your name. In either case your accommodation provider has the right to say yes or no.
Help for homeless people clink here for more information:

 For more information about the Asylum Seeking Process and the support, please click the following link: 


Housing benefit and council tax benefit are for people who receive low income and need help to pay their rent or council tax. Housing benefit and council tax benefit are claimed through the neighborhood offices. For housing benefit and council tax benefit enquiries you can contact our organisation or Wardlow Road Centre (insert website). Wardlow Road is a neighborhood office with expertise and interpretation onsite.

When you receive your positive decision you have to apply for your housing and council tax benefit as soon as possible. You can only do this when you get accommodation that is in your own name.

 Housing benefit:

 Council tax benefit:

You can rent a house from its private owner who is called the landlord. You have to decide if it is better for you if the landlord gets his rent from the benefit services. If he or she accepts you have to fill in the housing benefit application accordingly.

It is better for you to apply immediately for a council house from your neighborhood office. The numbers of people asking for council or housing association accommodation are greater than the houses available. They may put your name on a waiting list. Families with small children or disabled persons are a priority. Do not get discouraged about the time that you will wait for a council house.

 To know about Housing associations in Birmingham and their contact details click the link below and open the PDF file at the bottom of the page. http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/cs/Satellite?c=Page&childpagename=Housing%2FPageLayout&cid=1223092722253&pagename=BCC%2FCommon%2FWrapper%2FWrapper


Some of the criteria for the people applying for social housing are:
•       A person living in the area who can demonstrate local connection
•       A person offered work in the area
•       A person wanting to live nearer to a relative or a carer
•       A person moving away from harassment or domestic violence

To apply for a council house go to your nearest neighborhood office and ask for a housing application form. You may need help in filling in this application form. To apply for accommodation from a housing association you have to call them or visit them at their offices to get an application form. If you find yourself homeless or want housing advice and support call or visit the following organisations:

Birmingham Home Choice is a scheme that people will bid each week for a council or a Housing Association property. When you apply for a social housing through the neighborhood offices, you will be given a user ID and a Bin Number to login in to Home Choice Website.  From there you can see what properties both from the Council and from housing associations that is available and their details.
If you need help to understand Birmingham Home Choice or to get acquainted in the bidding process, please call our organistion and we can help you in the following languages:
·        Somali

 For more information or to bid for housing, click this link to access Birmingham Home Choice website:   http://www.birminghamhomechoice.org.uk/



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